Spielideen Englisch 16. April 2020 · (jmei)

Ideas for games at home: Floaters and divers

Your own household often offers more exciting things to experiment with than you think. And you don't need complicated preparations and materials for this. For example, get to the bottom of the following questions with your child: What floats on the water and what doesn't?

Recommended age: children from about 3 years

Take various objects, such as a paper clip, a small piece of wood, a nutshell, a paper ship, a small stick, an ice cube, a stone, a marble, a straw...

Place them one by one in a bowl of water. Let the children guess which objects will sink and which will stay on the surface. Together, try to find out why some of them are good swimmers and others rather good divers.

Don't worry if you don't have the technical explanation ready: Children often have exciting guesses themselves and it is worth finding them out. In the end you can search for the right answer together in books and on the internet.

  • A bowl
  • Various small household items