Pressemitteilung 11/20/2020 · HO

FRÖBEL announces yearly slogan 2020-2022: "The world belongs in children's hands"

Children have rights - this is stated in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is now 31 years old. The most important rights include education and participation. As a sponsor of day care centers, we support children in the skills that make them strong for the future.

Die Welt in Kinderhänden - Filmstill aus dem Video zum neuen Jahresmotto (Fotocredits: FRÖBEL e.V./Arne Hube)
The world belongs into children's hands (Fotocredits: FRÖBEL e.V./Arne Hube)

On the 31st anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the new annual motto "The world belongs in the hands of children" starts at FRÖBEL. FRÖBEL wants to strengthen the rights of children in its day-care centers, kindergartens and after-school care centers as well as on the socio-political level in order to make children fit for the future.

"Our professionals encourage children to be curious, to think critically, to ask questions and to question things in general. They strengthen them in their ideas and encourage them to express their opinions with confidence. On the path to their future, children have the right to be accompanied and supported competently. In this way we make our contribution to sustainable development, a stable democracy and a just society", explains Stefan Spieker, Managing Director of FRÖBEL Bildung und Erziehung gGmbH and initiator of the annual motto.

At FRÖBEL, committed people work daily to strengthen children's voice and their right to participate in shaping their future - just as the FRÖBEL mission statement says. Within the framework of the new motto, existing projects, especially in the areas of democracy education and education for sustainable development (ESD), are to be made visible, new ideas are to be developed and implemented - and in the spirit of best practice, many imitators are to be found.

Press contact:

Mario Weis
Press speaker
FRÖBEL Bildung und Erziehung gGmbH 
Phone: 030 21235-333

Henrike Ortmann
Press officer
FRÖBEL Bildung und Erziehung gGmbH
Phone: 030 21235-334