Spielideen Englisch 11. Mai 2020 · AK

Ideas for games at home: Enjoy driving in the children's room

It does not always have to be a Carrera racetrack - with masking tape the children's room or apartment can easily be transformed into a large road map.

rasen rennen

An idea from the FRÖBEL-nursery Galopperstraße in Munich.

That's how it works:

Simply use masking tape to create a large network of streets with crossings, parking spaces or roundabouts and bring all the toy cars into position, ready to go. Oh no, the first traffic jam on the way to bed. And under the table the fire brigade has to rescue a rabbit. There are no limits to your imagination.

A nice activity for children, which relaxes them and requires their full concentration. Even experienced situations can be processed well by replaying them.

  • Masking tape
  • Toy cars
  • Cuddly toys